our values

our vision



在太阳成集团tyc151cc, 太阳成集团tyc151cc相信所有的孩子都有他们将来会成为的大人, 太阳成集团tyc151cc设想这样一个世界,一个孩子的教育可以让成年人出现和成长.

our mission

使用蒙台梭利 教育哲学, 太阳成集团tyc151cc的学校社区激励每个孩子达到他们最大的潜力, 作为个人和学习者, 并成为一个至关重要的 国际社会的一员.

what guides us

太阳成集团tyc151cc被和平的进程所引导:内在的自我, relationships, school, community, and ultimately, 和平遍及整个世界.     

we value

- A joy and 对发现的渴望

- Self-reliance

- A sensitive 尊重他人

- Empathy and compassion

- The ability to collaborate 

- The ability to 分析性思维 

-以学术为荣 achievement 


-谅解 全球环境中所有存在的相互依存关系

  • 学术成就自豪感

  • 对发现的喜悦和渴望

  • Self reliance

  • 对他人的敏感和尊重

  • 协作能力

  • 了解全球环境中所有存在的相互依存关系

  • 在他/她的社区有地方感和贡献感


Diversity at RPMS includes the collection of our similarities and differences based on characteristics we are born with and/or experiences we have had, including race, religion, 家庭构成与结构, 社会经济水平, ethnicity, heritage, gender, 性别认同与表达, age, 性取向, language, 体能, 学习差异和风格.

we believe

太阳成集团tyc151cc相信拥有一个多元化的学生群体, parents, faculty, 董事会成员, 代表了芝加哥更广泛的社区, 能培养学生重视和尊重彼此差异的能力吗, 引导他们成为太阳成集团tyc151cc社区和世界上更有思想、更有能力的公民.

We believe that peace within self and in relationships begins with the sense of belonging and our ability to accept and embrace others. 太阳成集团tyc151cc的包容性环境不仅是由RPMS的教职员工培养的, 而是学生们作为同学和社区成员对彼此的真诚关怀.

太阳成集团tyc151cc相信每个人都应该得到公平和有尊严的对待.  太阳成集团tyc151cc认识到太阳成集团tyc151cc的世界, 本地和全球, at times, 达不到这个理想, 太阳成集团tyc151cc相信,太阳成集团tyc151cc的孩子应该学习技能,使世界成为一个对所有人都更加公正和公平的地方.  

太阳成集团tyc151cc相信,太阳成集团tyc151cc的世界是相互联系的,太阳成集团tyc151cc的学生, 为了成为国际社会的重要成员, 必须建立文化能力,以尊重的态度在这个世界上航行, empathy, 和理解的深度.

At its root, 在这些原则之下, 太阳成集团tyc151cc罗杰斯公园蒙台梭利学校的使命和对和平教育的奉献.



Bullying, intimidation, 骚扰会削弱学生的学习能力和学校的教育能力. Preventing students from engaging in these disruptive behaviors and providing all  students equal access to a safe, 无敌意的学习环境是学校的重要目标. 基于实际的或被认为的种族的欺凌, color, national origin, military status, 从军队服役中不受欢迎的退役状态, sex, 性取向, gender identity, 与性别有关的身份或表达, ancestry, age, religion, 身体或精神残疾, 保护状态令, 无家可归状况, 或实际或潜在的婚姻或父母身份, 包括怀孕, 与具有上述一种或多种实际的或被认为的特征的人或群体联系在一起, 在下列情形中,禁止使用任何其他显著特征: 

1. 在任何学校主办的教育项目或活动期间. 

2. While in school, 太阳成集团tyc151cc财产, 在校车或其他学校车辆上, 在指定的校车站等校车, 或者在学校赞助或学校批准的事件或活动中. 

3. 通过学校电脑的信息传输, 学校计算机网络, 或其他类似的电子学校设备. 

4. 通过在与学校无关的地点访问计算机的信息传输, activity, function, 或程序,或使用不属于自己的技术或电子设备, leased, or used by the school if the bullying  causes a substantial disruption to the educational process or orderly operation of a  school. This paragraph (item #4) applies only when a school administrator or teacher  receives a report that bullying through this means has occurred; it does not require staff  members to monitor any nonschool-related activity, function, or program. 


欺凌包括网络欺凌,是指任何严重或普遍的身体或语言行为或行为, 包括以书面或电子方式进行的通信, directed toward a student or  students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the  following: 

1. 使学生处于合理的恐惧之中,担心对学生或学生的 


2. 对学生的身心健康造成严重有害影响; 

3. Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance; or 

4. 严重干扰学生参与或受益于服务的能力, activities, 或者学校提供的特权. 

网络欺凌是指通过使用技术或任何电子通信进行的欺凌,  包括但不限于任何标志的转让, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, 或全部或部分通过电线传送的任何性质的情报, radio, 电磁系统,  光电系统, 或光电系统, 包括但不限于电子邮件,  互联网通信, instant messages, 或传真通信. Cyberbullying includes  the creation of a webpage or weblog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person  or the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages if  the creation or impersonation creates any of the effects enumerated in the definition ofbullying. Cyberbullying also includes the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than  one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or  more persons if the distribution or posting creates any of the effects enumerated in the definition  of bullying. 

恢复性措施意味着以学校为基础的替代排他性纪律的连续性,  比如停学和开除, (i)适合学校及社区的特殊需要, (ii)有助于维护学校安全, (三)维护积极和富有成效的学习氛围的完整性, (iv)教导学生在学校和社会中取得成功所需的个人和人际交往技巧, (v)建立和恢复学生之间的关系, families, schools, and communities, and (vi) reduce the likelihood of future disruption by  balancing accountability with an understanding of students’ behavioral health needs in order to  keep students in school, (vii)如果欺凌事件是基于宗教的,增加学生的问责制, race, ethnicity, 或伊利诺斯州人权法案中确定的任何其他类别. 

学校人员是指学校聘用的人员, on contract with, 或者在学校做志愿者,  包括但不限于学校和学校管理人员, teachers, and staff. 

Making a Complaint; Enforcement 

鼓励学生向校长报告欺凌或骚扰事件,  儿童之家项目主任, 小学项目总监, 或首席运营官. 学生可以选择向与自己性别相同的人举报. 鉴于需要进行调查,投诉将尽可能保密. 

An allegation that a student was a victim of any prohibited conduct perpetrated by another  student shall be referred to the Principal for appropriate action.


The Principal or designee shall develop and maintain a bullying prevention and response plan  that advances the school’s goal of providing all students with a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassment. This plan must be consistent with the requirements listed below; each  numbered requirement, 1-12, 与105 ILCS 5/27-23所需政策组成部分清单中的相同数字相对应.7(b) 1-12. 

1. 学校使用本政策中提供的欺凌定义. (Note that many  behaviors that do not rise to the level or harassment or bullying may still be prohibited by  School rules. 学生和家长应该熟悉学校关于学生行为的规定.) 

2. 欺凌是违反州法律和学校政策的. However, nothing in the  school’s bullying prevention and response plan is intended to infringe upon any right to  exercise free expression or the free exercise of religion or religiously based views  protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. 依依州宪法或依依州宪法第一条第三款. 

3. 鼓励学生立即报告欺凌行为. A report may be made orally or  in writing to the Principal or any staff member with whom the student is comfortable  speaking. Anyone, 包括工作人员和家长/监护人, who has information  about actual or threatened bullying is encouraged to report it to the Principal or any staff  member. 匿名报告也可以接受. 





4. 符合联邦和州有关学生隐私的法律法规, the Principal  (Chief Executive Officer) or designee shall promptly inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) of  every student involved in an alleged incident of bullying and discuss, as appropriate, 社会工作服务的可用性, counseling, 学校心理服务, 其他干预措施, 恢复性措施. 

5. 校长(首席执行官)或指定人员应及时调查和处理欺凌报告, by, 除此之外: 

a. Making all reasonable efforts to complete the investigation within 10 school  days after the date the report of a bullying incident was received and taking into  consideration additional relevant information received during the course of the  investigation about the reported bullying incident. 

b. 包括适当的学校支持人员和其他有知识的工作人员, experience, 以及关于预防欺凌的培训, 视情况而定,


c. Notifying the Building Principal or school administrator or designee of the  reported incident of bullying as soon as possible after the report isreceived. 

d. 符合联邦和州有关学生隐私的法律法规, providing  父母/监护人 of the students who are parties to the investigation information about  the investigation and an opportunity to meet with the Building Principal or school  administrator or his or her designee to discuss the investigation, the findings 


The Principal (Chief Executive Officer) or designee shall investigate whether a reported  incident of bullying is within the permissible scope of the School’s jurisdiction and shall require that the School provide the victim with information regarding services that are  available within the School and community, 比如咨询, support services, 以及其他项目. 

6. 校长(首席执行官)或其指定人员应采取干预措施解决欺凌问题, that may include, 但不限于, 学校社会工作服务, 恢复措施, 社交情感技能培养, counseling, 学校心理服务, 以及社区服务. 

7. 禁止对举报欺凌行为的人进行报复或报复. A  student’s act of reprisal or retaliation will be treated as bullying for purposes of  determining any consequences or other appropriate remedial actions. 

8. 学生不会因举报欺凌或提供信息而受到惩罚, 即使学校的调查结论是没有发生欺凌行为. However, knowingly making a  false accusation or providing knowingly false information will be treated as bullying for  purposes of determining any consequences or other appropriate remedial actions. 

9. The School’s bullying prevention and response plan must be based on the engagement  of a range of school stakeholders, 包括学生及家长/监护人. 

10. 校长(首席执行官)或指定人员应将此政策发布在学校的互联网网站上, if any, 把它写进家长手册里, and, where applicable,  张贴在其他政策的地方, rules, 行为标准目前已经公布. 该政策还必须每年分发给家长/监护人, students, 学校人员, 包括聘用的新员工. 

11. 校长(首席执行官)或其指定人员应协助董事会完成其

评估和评估这一政策的结果和有效性. 此过程应包括但不限于: 

a. 受害的频率; 

b. 学生、教职员和家庭对学校安全的观察; 

c. 确定学校中发生欺凌行为的区域; 

d. The types of bullying utilized; and 

e. 旁观者干预或参与. 

评估过程可能会将学院已经收集的相关数据和信息用于其他目的. The Principal (Chief Executive Officer) or designee must post  the information developed as a result of the policy evaluation on the School’s website, 或者如果网站不可用, 这些信息必须提供给学校管理人员,  Board members, school personnel, 父母/监护人, and students. 





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1800 W. 芝加哥巴尔莫勒尔大街,伊利诺伊州60640

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